Your Guide To Confident Pain-Free First-Time Sex

Learn the five simple steps to overcoming a fear of sex and enjoying pain-free penetrative sex for the first time. This guide also teaches you what vaginismus is and how to prevent or overcome it.

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What you’ll learn in this free guide

✅ How to prepare for first-time sex so that there's no pain!

✅ What vaginismus is and how to prevent it or overcome it

✅ How to have pain-free penetrative sex for the first time

✅ How to manage and overcome body insecurities

About your host

Amirah is a Sex Educator and founder of Amirah Zaky Wellness.

Her company specialises in empowering women with knowledge about their female sexual anatomy so that they can enjoy pain-free penetrative sex and vaginal insertion.

Amirah is passionate about helping women to overcome vaginismus and prevent painful sex.

In addition to this, Amirah helps women experience more pleasure and intimacy in their lives (sexual and non-sexual) and helps parents teach God-conscious sex education to their kids.